What Is a Digital Narrative?

This tutorial gives you a quick overview of the Digital Narrative platform and its many features.

Getting Started

This tutorial shows you how to access your user dashboard and your class site, where you'll access, build, and save your narrative. You'll also get a quick tour of the digital narrative interface.

Building Your Content

Adding Featured Media

This tutorial shows you how to add a representative banner imageknown as featured mediato your narrative.

Adding Media

This tutorial shows you how to add media such as images, video, remote video, and audio.

Adding a Breakout and Double

This tutorial shows you how to add a design element called a breakout, which "breaks out" from your main column of content, and a double, which allows you to create two columns of content within the breakout.

Adding Special Content

Creating a StoryMap

This tutorial shows you how to build a StoryMap and StoryMap slides.

Creating a Timeline

This tutorial shows you how to build a Timeline and Timeline slides.

Adding Other Content

Adding a Block Quote

This tutorial shows you how to add a block quote to your digital narrative, which allows you to spotlight quotes, statistics, and other text.

Creating a Hyperlink

This tutorial shows you how to add a hyperlink to an external website.

Last updated
February 21, 2021