These are guidelines.

Always check with your professors for their preferences.

How to cite a photograph found in a database (e.g. AP Images, ARTStor):
Fig. 1 Same-sex marriage supporter John Wilkes holds a sign encouraging drivers to honk in support of marriage equality during a 2015 rally in Salt Lake City.

Description taken from AP Images:

Use this to create a caption for your photograph.

Metadata taken from AP Images:




Last, First M. Photograph Title. Month Date, Year Created. Collection, Museum/Institution, Location. Accessed Month Date, Year. URL of database.


Bowmer, Rick. Same-sex Marriage Supporter John Wilkes Holds a Sign Encouraging Drivers to Honk in Support of Marriage Equality. April 28, 2015. Associated Press, Salt Lake City, Utah. AP Images. Accessed 28 July 2015.


How to cite a photograph found on a website:

A woman makes her support of her marriage, and not civil unions, known.

Photograph found on Wikipedia. Double click on photo to get metadata:


Last, First M. Photograph Title. Month Date, Year Created. Collection, Museum/Institution, Location. Accessed Month Date, Year. URL of website.


Shankbone, David. A Woman Makes her Support of her Marriage, and not Civil Unions, Known.
November 13, 2008. Accessed July 30, 2015.

How to cite a photograph found in print (e.g. book, journal article):


Last, First M. Photograph Title. Month Date, Year Created. Collection, Museum/Institution, Location. In Book Title. Author First Author Last. City: Publisher, Year Published. Page/Plate Number.


Humphries, Marilyn. Gays Wed, World Doesn’t End. May 17, 2004. Bay Window. In Courting Equality. Patricia Gozemba. Boston: Beacon Press, 2007. P. XXVIII.


How to cite an original photograph:


Last, First M. Photograph Title. Month Date, Year Created. Collection, Museum/Institution, Location.


These are guidelines. Always check with your professors for their preferences.